The organisations leading the Women, Youth and Children working group organised,”Idiriya Bala: A Youth Strategy Workshop” on July 20 to 24 in Sri Lanka. The workshop gathered youth representatives from Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Laos, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam to brainstorm on the specific activities to engage and mobilise the youth sector for food sovereignty and agroecology.

The workshop was hosted by Vikalpani National Women’s Federation.  It includes a two-day workshop in Negombo and a community visit in Monaragala (250 kilometres East of Negombo).

  1. Understanding Contexts and Perspectives: Provide a platform for youth to discuss their situations, identify challenges, and explore opportunities for engagement in food and agricultural systems.
  2. Cross-Cultural Exchange and Leadership: Facilitate the exchange of leadership skills and experiences related to PLD processes, food sovereignty, and agroecology advocacy.
  3. Strategic Planning: Develop a three-year strategic plan that outlines the roles and actions youth will commit to within their communities, countries, and the broader region.

Moreover, this APEX activity was also a space for the youth participants to voice out their perspective and share their struggles in relation to food sovereignty and agroecology. Additionally, how can they be an active force in their community to engage and mobilise the other youth and encourage them to also become advocates for food sovereignty and agroecology. 

The youth workshop culminated with a community visit in Monaragala District where members of Vikalpani welcomed the group through cultural performances, and local food sharing. Vikalpani also showed the group their women’s farmer’s markets, home gardens and their community seed bank. The participants also visited the Vikalpani office where its leaders and members shared their history of struggles, women and youth organising, and their grassroots work as a whole.

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